Emergency Medicine Incentive Program

According to a study done at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, individuals from underserved communities involved in special programs and incentives that are designed to bring them into medicine are 1.7 times more likely to establish a practice in an underserved community themselves. HCU plans to establish similar programs to bring medical professionals into underserved areas in the greater Houston area.

The first program we plan to put into action, the Emergency Medicine Incentive Program, is a scholarship designed to find passionate students who wish to pursue a career in emergency medicine but cannot afford the costs of EMS courses. Students in the EMS program at Houston Community College may apply for this scholarship with the chance to be awarded partial/full tuition in their Paramedic EMS courses.

Our goal for the Spring of 2024 is to supply 1 full scholarship. This goal will change every year based on our accumulated funds. We hope to supply multiple scholarships each year in the future! However, if for any reason the scholarship cannot be awarded, all proceeds will go toward the HCC EMS Program itself.

Students will be chosen based on their community’s qualification as medically underserved from the Health Resources and Services Administration, as well as their GPA, academic achievements, and extracurricular achievements. The application will open soon!